
oh me oh my, how the times fly by

Why yes it sure has been a while since I've done a shopping spree post on here.  But you know, sometimes it just gets too depressing looking at all of the pretty things I want to buy but cannot afford.  Lately I've put most of my money into getting some of my work printed out all fancy-like, in hopes of setting up an etsy shop soon and possibly trying to put on a show somewhere here in New York.  One of my favorite prints to date, which I had put on canvas and stretched to 40x20, is this shot from last summer, taken with my trusty Kowa Six while on an adventure on Long Island..

Now, moving on to more important things, SPRING IS COMING!  Well, I say that, but at this point I'm not sure if we New Yorkers will ever be blessed with such a thing.  The weather has been pure trash here lately, and I have to say I'm really over it and would much rather stay in bed for the rest of the duration.  Someone please just wake me up when it's over, preferrably with a bloody mary or mimosa in hand.  Thanks.

I would also prefer to wake up to a whole new wardrobe to grace the New York parks and beer gardens with.  A big hat would probably be fun too.  And some massive hippy shades. 

So without further ado, here are a few things I'm currently wishing would magically appear at my door step, from either a fashion fairy or a sugar daddy (an old one that I would never ever have to get remotely close to, only smile at from afar)

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ps:  all of the item descriptions i've put are links, just in case you feel like shopping or buying me a gift.  either is fine by me.