So without further ado, here are some of my wardrobe desires for the upcoming fall months in New York. As usual, I'm a huge fan of black...and things I have no reason to buy and wear because I never do anything fancy enough....le sigh...
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GET OUT OF MY FACE!!! my god these are amazing.. god as my witness, I would wear the shit out of that headband..
I would wear the shit out of that claw pendant! Fan-freaking-tastic stuff.
Well spotted, I like your observations.
thank you, love!
Great post WOW Gold. I like the way you start and then conclude your thoughts. Thanks for this information .I really appreciate your work, keep it up RS Gold
Love the necklace
Amazing post Wow gold . I love this way you start then conclude your thoughts..I really appreciate your work, keep it up Rsgold
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