
ey ey ey

At 2am, I cannot seem to quit thinking about everything I could wear with THESE

..if only I could afford them.  sad, sad bunny :(

Anyhow, my weekend turned out to be pretty crazy, but definitely a whole lot of fun.  Friday night my boyfriend's band played at some of our friends house and it went way better than I expected.  Meaning, the cops didn't show up! 

Before the the party, I headed over to Slice for food and a cocktails with pals Dusty and Jess

We got Dusty to take our picture, but apparently he has a fondness for choosing bad angles, so I won't be posting that one!

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I arrived at our funtime shindig with camera(s) ready to go, and after a few VERY delicious sweet tea vodka and lemonade drinks, I was actually running around shooting!  You know, I have to get that liquid courage at these events, otherwise I am just no good.  Here are a few of my favorites from the night..

me + Emil, brought to you by Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka

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That night was fun fun fun, but the next day was rouuuugh.  Therefore, Emil and I decided to take a little walk through the neighborhood and have breakfast down at Johnny Cake's.  On the way there I snapped this with one of my newer Polaroids..

So while I'm thinking about it, I should probably apologize for my lack of posts lately.  I have been nuts busy lately and it's been great, but I haven't had time for much internet fun, other than posting photos to my website and such.  One of the most exciting things I've done was help photographer Joeff Davis do a cover shoot for an issue of Creative Loafing.  They wanted to shoot the cover photo with a Holga camera, but didn't have one or know how to use one, so they found me!  It was actually really cool to see how the real pros do it, and I was totally flattered when Joeff sent me an email later telling me how awesome I was.  Score!  Anyhow, they shot the cover with my holga and my film, and I directed Joeff on how to work the magic with such a sketchy little camera.  So I'll be getting a special thanks in the issue.  Yay!  Let's hope it gets me some work..

And now, I have to run.  Yet again.  However, I will be back super soon to post some fabulous clothing items that I DESPERATELY need.  Oh!  And to share with you all some really beautiful photos I took last night of a local Atlanta aerialist.  SUPER pumped about these!  I'll be cooped up in my loft editing for the next week...

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my favorite photo from the past month, shot from my plane window on a flight to NY.  behold, the Holga magic..



Wow I didn't realize it had been so long since I've done a post, and now I feel terrible about it!  I have been in high gear nerd mode for the past few weeks, along with being pretty busy in general, so I haven't really been doing my usual fake clothes shopping.  It is sad, I know.  I did however manage to do a slight closet clean out and find an amazing blazer that I had completely forgot about.  I bought this thing from The Limited at least 5 years ago, and it still had the tags on it.  hahaha..

excuse my messy room and the rolling rack.  this is what happens when you have 1 closet in your entire loft.  not cool.
I ended up going out that night and wearing the blazer (I couldn't resist), along with some black skinny jeans from Forever21, this awesome black burnout tee with the tiger face is from UO, fatty silver bracelet from Forever21, aaand I broke in these new strappy pumps from Aldo..

then during more clean out fun, I found all of these pins in my dresser!


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So that was about it for me actually being productive, in regards to my home anyway.  Now, to share why I refer to myself as Queen of the Nerds lately, here are some new additions to my constantly growing collection of stuff..

It's a Polaroid Super Shooter and the Polaroid Big Shot.  (Andy Warhol used a Big Shot, and they are awesome)

There you have it, I've been camera obsessed lately and haven't really been focusing on much else.  Which I guess is a good thing for me because hopefully it will help me make some money one day!  I've been trying to shoot a different camera every day, and so far so good!  Here are some photos from the past few weeks, taken on a bunch of different cameras with all sorts of film.  :)

these last two are my favorite.  these are from last week one afternoon when I talked Jess into walking around with me in the humidity to try out this new Polaroid Blue film.  we only got a few shots before it got too dark, but it was fun nonetheless!

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aaaaand that is all I have for today!  things have been kinda crazy and Emil gets home tomorrow night after being in the UK for a long, long month.  I am very excited but also kind of nervous, which is usually the case.  now i'm off to browse the ol' ebay for more flashcubes and expired film to feed my obsession, but rest assured I will be doing a PROPER post later this week.  I just got the new West Elm catalog the other day and they have so many things I am DYING for!

Oh, and I have to mention this, even though I'm a little behind.  Alexander McQueen Spring 2010 is MIND BLOWING.  I am really living for it, wow wow wow!  Go here!

Have an awesome week!



Photography by Shawn Brackbill

I haven't done a post like this before, but I find some really amazing photographers sometimes and I'd love to share them with you all.  So, here we go!

I stumbled upon Brooklyn based Shawn Brackbill's photography by pure chance (and luck) while I was google image searching for Cale Parks newest album photo. Weird right? Anyhow, I began browsing his flickr stream and lurkin on his blog, and I am now totally inspired. Which honestly, doesn't happen that often when it comes to photography.

Lately I feel like people have been putting way to much emphasis on the post part of photography (too much photoshop, etc), and somewhat forgetting about the fact that you are creating art with your camera. Shawn's work is so simple but so beautiful at the same time, I really (obviously) cannot get over it. 

And now, I will quit blabbing and show you the awesome. These are just some of my personal favorites, but you all should definitely go and check out everything else on your own at http://www.shawnbrackbill.com/

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Lovely right?!  So sorry that I'm a bit behind on my posts.  I've been a bit busy lately and am about to start packing as we speak for my New York trip tomorrow.  Whewww, I cannot wait!  See you all soon and have a fantastic weekend! 

Oh!  And if you feel like it, check out my favorite jam of the day by The Bronzed Chorus.  It's suuuuuper.
